To Mompreneurs: Let’s Get Honest about Why You’re Feeling Stuck

April 9, 2019

Today’s episode we’re talking about why you’re feeling stuck. Like the real reason why, we’re going to get honest. 

  • Do you resist change in your business?
  • Do you have systems in place to run your business?
  • Are you doing a lot of busy work?
  • Feelings of Overwhelmed, lack of resources, fear, discomfort?

Resisting Change
I’m going to be honest and tell you that for the majority of my time as an entrepreneur, I’ve felt stuck. My business started and I thrived. I grew and grew, I felt on top of the world. I got SUPPPPER comfortable. Around the time I had kids, marketing made a shift that I wasn’t on board with.
I wasn’t willing to learn and grow with the changes of social media because I didn’t have the brain capacity to learn about all the ways of growing and raising a baby PLUS implement change in my business.
I’ve used this analogy before: I paddled to the wave, I rode the wave, and I coasted for as long as I could on it. I just kept riding the wave, with too much pride. I thought my business was going to just continue as it was. I built it, wasn’t that enough to create sustainability?

I can honestly look back and admit that I resisted change.

Systems in Your Business & Busy Work
Part of the resistance was implementing systems in my business. I could not see that I couldn’t do it all. Well, I could feel that, but I couldn’t get past the fact that no one can do it as well as I can.
That may be true but people CAN be trained to do a good job. Maybe never as good as you or up to your highest standards, but they can learn and improve upon them. After all, you didn’t start with your caliber out of the gate.
* What are some things that you do weekly or daily that could potentially be systematized?
* What are things you could hire/outsource?
I’m not saying YOU HAVE TO OUTSOURCE But can you afford to hire someone 2-4 hours per week to take something off your hands?

If you’re not using a project management system, you need to start. Quit it with your post it’s and notebooks full of notes, take responsibility of your overwhelm and quit playing victim to your to do lists.
So here’s some steps:

  • Get organized with a project management system. Figure out the arms, big projects that are required for you to do business (for instance, for my photography)
  • Outline your subtasks and processes on what needs to get done per project. 
  • Figure out how you can be more efficient, automate or outsource.
  • Start implementing and improve upon it.
  • Where are you needed creatively and where are you not required?
  • What do you absolutely dislike doing and can you outsource it? (being honest here).

Being an entrepreneur DOES mean there’s risks and fears but it doesn’t mean you HAVE to feel overwhelmed and run down all the time.

Look, I wrote this morning in an email to my email list: Busy is not a badge. Ceo & Mommy are, though. For the longest time, EVERY time someone asked how business was, I was exhaustedly say: busy. I would quickly realize how unhappy I sounded when I would say that, so I would say “but good!” with exclamation. I was so tired of feeling “busy”.

These systems, this honesty, this truth is your first step to making change. I’m going to dedicate an entire episode this month on figuring out where to start and when. You can’t run and scale and grow your business from post-it notes. Stop telling yourself that you have it all together. Put your pride down internally and do the work of getting stuff organized and clarified.

I’m not saying it’s easy, i’m saying it’s hard. But it’s worth it.

This is something I’m still working on and will always continue to work on, but I feel like I can take a deep breath and recognize that I’m getting there.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
– Albert Einstein

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