Productivity & Time Management for Mom Entrepreneurs

April 22, 2019

Productivity and time management for mom entrepreneurs.

Today we’re talking about PRODUCTIVITY & TIME MANAGEMENT.

Productivity makes me a little crazy. But then I try to not be so rigid and I really don’t make progress.

My husband might tell you that I obsess over efficiency and hate wasting time.

I really hate wasting time.

Michael Hyatt was recently talking on Amy Porterfield’s Podcast about how most of us think we’re trying to be productive to get more done – what the heck. NO, we are trying to be more productive to find more FREEDOM in our lives.

I mean , right?

I don’t want to work to be productive to create more work for myself.

I had never thought of it this way. And LOVED this mindset shift.

For mom entrepreneurs craving more clarity, time and money in their business.

So these are tools that I’ve used and have put in place to help manage my time, be more productive and use it wisely on the priorities that I have:

  1. Discipline: It’s true. No tool is going to get it done for you. You have to have the discipline to work within the guidelines you set for yourself.
    • As efficient as I want to be, I’m also a really good procrastinator. Like pro-level. Many nights have I burned the midnight oil.
  2. Asana (broken record yet?) – Project management
    • I use Asana to organize my “teams” to the projects, to the subtasks and deadlines within those projects.
    • Asana helps me create systems for projects so I’m wasting less time.
    • It helps me feel accomplished and allows me to see the big pictures of what I’m working on.
  3. Productivity Journal
    • I use this as a way to visualize what I have to get done for THAT day. I don’t use this to plan on out projects or to make see big pictures.
    • I prioritize what I need to get done for the week based on what’s in Asana.
      1. I can also be realistic about what I can get done in a week. I tend to be ambitious and optimistic about what I can get done in a week or even a day…then I realize how many steps are actually involved in getting that done.
      2. I also like physically scratching things off of a list. Satisfaction!
  4. Pomodoro Method + Stop Watch
    • 25-minute blocks of time with 5 minute breaks in between. Paired with my Productivity Journal and it’s a game changer! This is my preferred method.
  5. Time Blocking
    • Scheduling every 30 minutes of time in my calendar, kind of like a zero-based schedule! No time is left unscheduled, even the breaks.
  6. Theming Days
    • Also, a preferred method of mine is using specific days for specific projects. Mondays are for Podcasting, Tuesday is for Photography, Wednesday is with the kids, etc.
  7. Guilt about working while the kids are home. Not the most productive or efficient but occasionally has to happen.
  8. Perspective: this isn’t forever. This is just a phase!
    • Nothing is forever. And while you feel a sense of urgency to create, make money, and book more – know that this phase of life will pass. Keep working at the things that will move the needle and stay focused on your big vision!
For mom entrepreneurs craving more clarity, time and money in their business.

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