Monterey Memory Garden Wedding – Brittany & Jordan

July 23, 2012

It was such an honor and a true pleasure to photograph Brittany and Jordan getting married this year in Monterey. Brittany got ready for her wedding in the beautiful Portola Hotel and Spa in Monterey (make up and hair by Kim Larson Bridal). As I watched her get ready, happiness was exuding from her. My second time photographing these two in Monterey, I know their love for each other runs deep and I can now attest to the feeling of “I JUST CANT WAIT TO GET MARRIED!” It was her day. She was going to walk down the aisle at the Mayflower Presbyterian Church in Monterey to marry her military chaplain. Goosebumps.

She was calm, anxious, looking stunning and just glowing. We hung her mother’s dress, now Brittany’s; a stunning long sleeved gown with lace details from collar to back with a sweetheart neckline and the perfect amount of subtle beading.  Her bridesmaids laughed and cried as they reminisced of memories they’ve all shared with Brittany as she’s grown into the young woman she is now. Emotion’s were running high as we headed to the church where Jordan and his fella’s were just arriving.

Jordan is a kind hearted and humble man. I’m not sure if he admitted to being nervous, but as being someone who watches people to anticipate reactions and emotions, I could tell he had a small bundle of nerves. But I could also tell how excited he was to marry this woman in front of all of his family and friends who had traveled from Kansas, a known state around these blog-parts (Zach’s home state!). As he dressed in his ivory-white suit, a tribute to what his father wore on his wedding day, Jordan smiled brightly and excitedly. I was so excited to see these two finally marry. Swoon.

And so they did! At the Mayflower Presbyterian Church in Monterey, the church Brittany grew up in, they held their beautiful wedding ceremony with guests from Kansas watching over iPad’s, their dog Bri acting as a ring bearer, and a ceremonial releasing of dove’s after they had been married outside of the church. We then headed to Lover’s Point to photograph family portraits and to capture the newlyweds! Soon after, we made our way to the GORGEOUS Monterey Memory Garden State Park in downtown Monterey. Swoon again. These gardens were full of vibrant and lush plants, which accented their purple themed-garden perfectly.

Like I said, I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to tell their story through photographs and on this blog. I’m so excited to watch them grow in their future and wish you both ALL the best in the world!! XOXO

Brittany gets ready for her wedding 2at the Portola Hotel in downtown Monterey.Brittany gets her makeup done at the Portola Hotel in Monterey for her wedding.Brittany's wedding dress hanging in Monterey Portola Hotel.Makeup touchups before the wedding in Monterey.The bride laughs while getting ready in her hotel room at Portola Hotel in Monterey.The bride smiles for the camera before her Monterey wedding.The bride's wedding shoes at the Portola Hotel in Monterey.Brittany begins to put on her wedding attire at the Portola Hotel.Brittany puts her wedding veil and earrings on in the mirror at Portola Hotel in Monterey.The bride puts her garter on while sitting down in Monterey's Portola Hotel.Brittany and her bridesmaids laugh while she puts her wedding dress on.Mother of the bride helps the bride put on her wedding dress in Monterey.Looking through the shutters, the bride gets ready for her Monterey wedding at the Portola Hotel.Brittany and her maid of honor have a heart to heart before her wedding.Mother of the bride and Brittany share their wedding excitement in Monterey.The bride stands in front of the window before she leaves to her Monterey wedding.Brittany is leaving Portola Hotel to head to the Presbyterian Church in Monterey.At the Monterey Mayflower Presbyterian church, the bride smiles in front of the bookshelf before the wedding.Jordan, the groom, puts on her vest in preparation for the wedding ceremony.Jordan buttons his wedding attire before the wedding ceremony in Monterey.Jordan finishes getting ready at the church before the wedding.Jordan puts his tuxedo jacket on with his boutonniere before the wedding ceremony in Monterey.Brittany and her bridesmaids in the library holding books.Bridesmaid holding a bouquet before the wedding ceremony in Monterey.The bridal party says a prayer before heading into the wedding ceremony at the church in Monterey.Brittany and Jordan are at the front of the church in Monterey getting married!The groom's dog as the ring bearer at the wedding in Monterey.The newly married couple kisses at the end of their wedding ceremony in Monterey.Walking down the aisle at the Mayflower Presbyterian Church in Monterey after their wedding.The newlyweds kiss right outside the Mayflower Presbyterian Church in Monterey.Brittany and Jordan let doves go outside of the church after their wedding.The doves fly away after the wedding ceremony in Monterey.The bride and groom get inside the mercedes after the wedding in Monterey.The bride and groom drive away to Lover's Point in Monterey for pictures.Brittany and Jordan smile for the camera in their wedding attire at Lover's Point in Monterey.Brittany and Jordan look at each other after the wedding ceremony in Monterey at Lover's Point.The bridal party lines up at Lover's Point in Monterey after the wedding.The groom and groomsman jump in the air for a picture at Lover's Point in Monterey.Brittany and Jordan take pictures near the water at Lover's Point in Monterey.Their wedding rings in the sand in Monterey at Lover's Point beach.Jordan holds Brittany's wedding bouquet on Lover's Point beach.Brittany and Jordan in Monterey at Lover's Point taking pictures.Guests dress in purple at the Memory Gardens in Monterey for the wedding reception.Details of the wedding venue at the Memory Gardens in Monterey.The wedding cake and flowers at the Monterey Memory Gardens.The bride and groom dance to their first dance after their wedding in the Memory Gardens.Brittany and Jordan share their first dance in Monterey at the Memory Gardens in downtown.Brittany dances with her dad at the Memory Gardens.The bride and groom take pictures in the gardens of the Memory Gardens in Monterey.Brittany and Jordan look at each other in downtown Monterey at the Memory Gardens.The newly married couple kiss in the Memory Gardens.The wedding reception at the Monterey Memory Gardens.The bride and groom take pictures out in the Memory Gardens.Brittany and Jordan bask in the sunlight at the Monterey Memory Gardens.Wedding guests dance to the music at the Memory Gardens in Monterey for the wedding reception.The couple kiss while cutting the cake in the Memory Gardens.The lucky single girl catches the wedding bouquet in Monterey.The lucky single girl catches the wedding bouquet in Monterey.Jordan and his best man put on a routine for the garter toss at the wedding reception.The bride and groom enjoy wedding festivities at the Monterey Memory Garden.Most epic garter toss catch at the Monterey Memory Gardens.The two have a last dance before the night ends at the Memory Gardens.The Monterey Memory Gardens light up with twinkle lights and candlesticks.The couple next to the fountain at the Monterey Memory Gardens.

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  1. […] that they chose ME! Their engagement session was my first feature on Style Me Pretty, photographed their beautiful wedding a few short months later, and now I’ve had the pleasure of taking their first professional […]

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